Creating a company “based in Honduras that would foster a positive social impact through its business” was the building block that led this incredible company to making these incredible blocks.
In a world of plastic, junky toys, I was immediately enamored with Tegu blocks. They feel super nice in my grown-up hands and work super well for those kiddo hands too. Hidden magnets keep what they’re building in its shape until they decide to plow it down. There are also wheels and many package options for making your set as big or small as you want.
Other perks from the company: free replacement for damaged blocks, and instead of throwing away your blocks (I don’t know why you ever would) they’ll pay for your shipping to send them back for recycling. Can you tell how much I love Tegu blocks?
Buy Tegu blocks here.
Hear Tegu’s transforming story here.
Photography by Rebecca Sanabria who spent the next hour playing with the blocks all by herself.