Oct 10, 2019
The holidays are coming, and you might have a zillion things on your to-do list…but I hope you don’t! I hope you find a ton of time to play and hike and snuggle your loved ones. Or at least, you navigate all the busy-ness you do have like a rock star.
And I also hope you make time to send a holiday card. We can all post a photo to social media in a second or two, but this is different. I feel it myself, and I see it with my kiddos as our mailbox fills up. Being able to hold a card that came straight from a loved one connects us in a way we don’t often do these days. If we’re on your mailing list, feel free to send us a holiday card, a Christmas card, a Hanukkah card, a Naw-Ruz card… because sending something that makes you happy—makes us happy! With so much negativity and division between humans these days, this is a tactile reminder of some of the good. Quite literally sending a piece of paper with the sole purpose of wishing people well! How simple and lovely is that? One tiny thing that brings JOY, one act of kindness that hopefully leads to more and more kindness. It connects us and reminds us of the good in people and in the world.
My husband and I stuff and address our Christmas cards together with our kiddos. We talk about the people we are sending them to, we tell stories, we make fun of each other and how crooked they put on address labels. I’m grateful for the time together and the happiness shared.
Click a card below and it will take you straight to the page where you can purchase via Tiny Prints or Shutterfly. And thank you. Your purchase helps my family, and I am so grateful. Let’s all go spread some JOY.
Oct 17, 2017
How can it be October? My mind is still dreaming of summer. There’s no way it’s time to start thinking about the holidays when I haven’t convinced myself yet that I’m not still hiking to a beach to play in the sand.
Buuuut I better get with it. It is October, and I have zero plans of being stressed and rushed, so it’s time to get a few things crossed off my list for the holidays. Like our family holiday card. This post will make it super easy for you to choose one of my designs. Browse through the options, click which one you like and you’ll be magically transported to the page where you can personalize it and buy it.
To make it easier on your bank account, I can offer 40-percent off of your order. I only have a handful of discount codes to share this year, but I’d love for you to have one. Send an email to hello@jillsmith.com lickety split, and I’ll email a code back to you until I run out of them.
More than anything, I hope your holidays are spent with those you love and stress-free. Lift each other up, soak in the season and go spread some joy.
Apr 7, 2015
When I was a kid, I used to gather tons of sheets and pillowcases and section my room into a million little cozy spots. With wooden clothespins and every sheet I could find, I would spend hours creating different rooms to play in. It would slowly transform into my very own make-believe house.
Our kids now often do the same, taking every sheet and pillow off every bed in the house to create anything their silly heads dream up. Forts are always popular. As are the “pillow pools” in my studio where they jump off the drafting table into their poofy pillow piles. We also make “burritos” where I roll them up together in a down comforter with only their little noggins poking out. Then I roll them down the hallway, pretending to try and eat them. When Daddy gets involved, the materials grow more adventurous. Our living room has been completely covered in tarps and duct tape courtesy of my husband trying to create a circus tent. Our kids loved it, obviously, but our poor dogs just wanted to know how to get back over to their snuggly dog beds.
Recently I made the simplest spot for my sweet and silly 3-year old. It took a little imagination and just a few minutes of my time, but the reward was huge. He was cozied up in the hallway with one sheet and one comforter as his enchanting blanket fort and absolutely loved it. It was his very own spot for the entire afternoon, complete with plenty of books and a huge flashlight. He had the sweetest little grin on his face the whole time he was in there. And of course, so did I.

Photography by Rebecca Sanabria who had to learn the secret password to enter the fort.
Oct 11, 2013
“I really regret playing,” said no one ever. Here is where I will share a photo of a moment that could make me happy forever. If you’d like to see all of the photos in my PLAY, PLAY, PLAY series, click here.
{ Yep, pretty sure this one’s mine. }

Feliz fin de semana everyone!
Photo by Rebecca Sanabria.