When I was a kid, I used to gather tons of sheets and pillowcases and section my room into a million little cozy spots. With wooden clothespins and every sheet I could find, I would spend hours creating different rooms to play in. It would slowly transform into my very own make-believe house.
Our kids now often do the same, taking every sheet and pillow off every bed in the house to create anything their silly heads dream up. Forts are always popular. As are the “pillow pools” in my studio where they jump off the drafting table into their poofy pillow piles. We also make “burritos” where I roll them up together in a down comforter with only their little noggins poking out. Then I roll them down the hallway, pretending to try and eat them. When Daddy gets involved, the materials grow more adventurous. Our living room has been completely covered in tarps and duct tape courtesy of my husband trying to create a circus tent. Our kids loved it, obviously, but our poor dogs just wanted to know how to get back over to their snuggly dog beds.
Recently I made the simplest spot for my sweet and silly 3-year old. It took a little imagination and just a few minutes of my time, but the reward was huge. He was cozied up in the hallway with one sheet and one comforter as his enchanting blanket fort and absolutely loved it. It was his very own spot for the entire afternoon, complete with plenty of books and a huge flashlight. He had the sweetest little grin on his face the whole time he was in there. And of course, so did I.
Photography by Rebecca Sanabria who had to learn the secret password to enter the fort.
Oh this is so sweet! Our children use to love to do this!
Dear Jill, What a wonderful family you’ve made. My wish is that ALL new parents read your blog for inspiration. Wouldn’t it be a perfect world if all children were as happy as yours?! I noticed that even when your child wasn’t smiling, his eyes were!
I’m a calligrapher (wedding envelopes) and was surfing websites for envelopes and came across your blog…I’m glad I did…made me smile! Leslie